Feedback about Local Services

Why Your Feedback Matters

By sharing your experiences with us, you contribute to the ongoing improvement of vital services, such as healthcare providers, adoption or fostering agencies, schools, or family-based services - ensuring they meet the diverse needs of families like ours. Your input helps us identify areas of strength and areas for improvement, guiding local services in making necessary changes to enhance the quality of care and support they provide.

How to Provide Feedback

It’s easy! Simply fill out the form below, sharing your thoughts, experiences, and any suggestions you may have.
Your responses will be treated as confidential to Proud 2 b Parents and your privacy will be respected at all times.

What We Do With Your Feedback

We review each submission carefully and, unless you ask us not to, we will make contact with the relevant service to discuss concerns, areas for improvement and/or champion the strengths in their service provision.

In general, we will also use a summary of experiences and information gathered from this form to initiate discussions with local service providers and stakeholders, advocating for changes that address the needs of the LGBT+ community.

In this way, your input directly informs decision-making processes aimed at enhancing the quality and accessibility of services for all families.

Thank you

Your experiences matter, and your feedback is invaluable in helping us shape the future of services our families need.
So please take a moment to share your thoughts, praise, concerns, or suggestions using the feedback form. Together, we can create a brighter, more supportive future for all families.